Promotion of Sexual Reproductive Health

MenKen seeks to ensure that women and men, girls and boys are able to access their rights to sexual and reproductive health education and services, including comprehensive sexuality education. We also work to change attitudes of men to adopt more health seeking behaviour, increase uptake of  HIV Services and become allies in Reproductive, Maternal,Newborn, Child and Adolescent health. 

Accelerating achievements of Fast track targets in High Burden Counties in Kenya through Male Engagement -Homabay and Siaya Counties 

The project seeks to harness the clout of Religious and Traditional leaders to increase uptake to HIV services by men. We are undertook a joint HIV mobilization campaign to sensitize and mobilize a critical mass of men in Homabay and Siaya Counties. The project was supported by UNAIDS and implemented jointly with KENERELA.

Enhancing local resilience towards prevention and Response to Gender Based Violence-Isiolo County 

MenKen is the lead implementing organization in the project which seeks to engage male champions to advocate for GBV prevention and promote RMNCAH the 10 wards of Isiolo County. The Project is implemented in partnership with  African Women’s Development and Communication Network (FEMNET) under the umbrella of  National Alliance of Men for Gender Justice – NAME through the support of  UNWOMEN supported by UNWOMEN.

DREAMS Program Technical Support-  Nairobi County 

The project is being implemented by Global Communities funded by USAID. The program seeks to empower girls to live Determined, Resilient,Empowered, Aids-free and Mentored Lives. MenKen supports the development of their training tools,training of their male agents of change and parental empowerement facilitators to sensitise men and parents on gender norms,GBV and HIV prevention. We also support in community mobilisation activities and supervision of their facilitators and are part of their Sub-County and Ward Advisory Committee (SWAC).