Policy Advocacy
MenKen advocates for progressive legislation and policy on gender equality, gender-based violence, sexual and reproductive health (including HIV and AIDS) to empower and protect women, children and vulnerable men, and to cultivate positive masculinities. We offer technical expertise to processes of drafting legislation and policies at national level; write submissions and petitions on identified policy gaps; support communities to participate in public advocacy action; and lobby Government institutions to uphold the rights of all.
Engaging men to strengthen the implementation of GBV laws and policies and promote gender equality in Kenya- Nairobi, Kisumu and Kakamega Counties
The project sought to raise awareness on GBV and advocate for policy changes in GBV laws and policies through male engagement. The project was supported by United Nations Trust Fund (UNTF) and implemented from 2013 to 2015. MenKen in partnership with UNWOMEN and Sonke Gender Justice developed a policy report after scanning policies and laws on engaging men and boys in HIV and GBV Prevention, SRHR promotion and Parenting. About about 2000 copies of the policy scans were disseminated to key stakeholders. We also built the capacity of civil society to advocate for improved implementation of laws and policies and necessary policy reforms by training them on policy advocacy. The project reached 40,000 people directly and over 2 million indirectly.
Accelerating achievements of the Protection against Domestic Violence Act in Kenya- Nairobi County
The project seeks to facilitate the operationalization and effective implementation of PADV Act through development of regulations for the ACT in order to enhance access to justice and promote human rights in Kenya. The project will also increase knowledge on domestic violence and PADV Act among duty bearers and right holders targeted in the project. The project is supported by UNDP and will be implemented in partnership with African Gender and Media Initiative Trust (GEM).